Summary: This document starts with, naturally, a preamble. This fiery opening outlines the major issues of the time in the minds of the populists. The dependency on gold currency being the first, and the second being the massive influence of just a few wealthy bond holders.
The document goes into more detail as it unfolds, with more specificity in regards to possible future policy. The major points are as follows.
-"That the union of the labor forces of the United States shall be permanent and perpetual"
-"The interests of rural and civil labor are the same" (wealthy, greedy owners and capitalists)
-"The time has come when the railroad companies will either own the people or the people will own the railroad companies"
The platform goes on to describe financial policies, including
-Coinage of silver, less reliance on gold
-Increased money in circulation
-Graduated income tax
-Limit money-hoarding by government
-Postal savings banks to be established
The document ends with the populists creating a list of resolutions that generally prop up the common man and aim to limit corruption. They resolve to create civil war pensions, direct election of senators, shorter hours for the working man and the reduction of taxes on domestic industries, among others.
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