Monday, February 17, 2014

LAD #31: Wilson's 14 Points

Summary: It was obvious to Wilson, being one of the level headed leaders at Versailles, that the suggested Treaty would be far too harsh on the already struggling Germany. One simply had to look back at the Civil War and see the hatred and loathing in the South that came from a harsh Reconstruction Policy. Instead of condemning Germany and forcing her to pay reparations, Wilson sought to follow the path of reconciliation. The attitude of the United States leading up to this point was to "make safe the world for freedom and democracy". The 14 points were bullets aimed at those who would suppress these freedoms. The points included some of the following:
-The outlawing of secret negotiations
-Freedom of the seas
-Reduction of worldwide militaries
-Belgium should be independent
-Self-determination for those in Austria-Hungary
-Independence for Poland
-League of Nations
Europe was left all but eviscerated after this "Great War", and the allies boiled with anger over the alleged German atrocities and damages. The 14 points would've been the keystone in a successful bridging to a safer Europe.

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