Sunday, November 17, 2013

LAD #14: Lincoln's First Inaugural Address

Summary: This address was a divisive and dangerous document due to the sectionalist attitudes of the nation at the time. Lincoln opened by declaring that he has no intention to destroy the institution of slavery. There is no reason to fear lincoln's presidency because of his belief in the powers of states. He will defend the constitution. The rights of the people will not be interfered with or stepped on by the new and rising presidency. He goes on to discuss important issues for the nation. He doesn't oppose slavery and he supports the fugitive slave act if it can be assured that free blacks in the North would not be captured and brought to the South. He voices his position on the spoils system, promising that he will not replace the Southerners with his supporters in order to protect the Union.  Lincoln, although promising the use of force if the States secede, asks for calm diplomacy and negotiation in the face of the rising waves of tension and sectionalism.

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