Monday, November 25, 2013

LAD #19: Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Summary: Lincoln reports that there is little to say. The nation is at war and the extent to which the public is aware of the day to day events is great. No one originally wanterd the war that has enveoped the nation. Before the war, neither the Unionists or Secessionists sought conflict, but extremists on both side disallowed any negitiations or appeasement. The war that secession brought on is has been more devastating that could be imagined, and both sides have looked skyward for an answer. The North and South pray, but no lord has come to answer. God's will, though shrouded in mystery, is to avenge the hundreds of years of slavery and thousands of families in bondage that the white men have brought forth on this continent. The eventual destiny of the United States is one of unity, a destiny that continued efforts will bring about. Lincoln declares that the war will be won, the orphans, widows, wounded and displaced will be cared for, and a bandage will be placed over the old wounds of war.

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